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CATHAY PAC AIR Distributes More Than 10 Wks of Pay as Bonus to Employees for Full Yr
CATHAY PAC AIR (00293.HK) has announced its 2024 results. With a 6% increase in the profit attributable to ordinary shareholders for the year to $9.607 billion, the airline informed employees that they would receive a bonus of 6.2 weeks as per the profit-share scheme, down from 7.2 weeks in 2023, but more than the "at least 4 weeks' bonus" forecasted by the airline's CEO Ronald Lam at the beginning of the year.

CATHAY PAC AIR said that it distributed a total of more than 10 weeks of eligible salary to employees in the form of discretionary bonuses and profit-sharing, including the discretionary payment of one month's salary issued in January this year.

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