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Wu Qing: CSRC to Study, Introduce More Practical Measures to Protect Legitimate Rights of Investors
Wu Qing, Chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), said at a press conference on the economic theme of the Third Session of the 14th National People's Congress (NPC) that the CSRC would further strengthen the synergy between investment and financing development, study and introduce more practical measures to protect the legitimate rights of investors, promoting the formation of a mechanism of effective checks and balances for key minorities like small and medium-sized investors and substantial shareholders and actual controllers of listed companies, and the listed companies to enhance the awareness and ability to return to their investors.

The market-wide dividend reached RMB2.4 trillion in 2024, setting an all-time high dividend amount, Wu added.

Related NewsInflation Rate MoM for Feb in United States is 0.2%, lower than the previous value of 0.5%. The forecast was 0.3%.

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