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MO Hoteliers: LNY Mkt Performance Shiny; Hotel Occupancy Rate 90%+ Broadly
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Cheung Kin Chung, President of the Association of Macao Tourist Agents and a member of the Legislative Assembly, said that Macau's tourism market fared well during the Spring Festival this year, with an upswing in the number of tours and a broad hotel occupancy rate of over 90%, Radio Macau reported. The Macao tourism industry displayed four features during the Chinese New Year: a more diverse range of domestic and overseas visitors, an increase in the number of short- and long-haul tourists, a wider variety of tourist groups, and an improvement in the quality of hotel accommodation products, Cheung said. The mainland policies of raising the number of cities covered by the Individual Visit Scheme, multiple-entry permits and the one-trip-per-week policy have effectively wooed both long- and short-haul visitors, added the President. AAStocks Financial News |