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Eric Ma Resigns as Executive Director of NWDS CHINA; Trading in Shrs to Resume Next Mon
NWDS CHINA (00825.HK) announced that Eric Ma has tendered his resignation as executive director with effect from today (November 29) in order to pursue his other personal commitments, and he ceased to serve as a member of each of the executive committee and the remuneration committee of the Board on the same day.

Ma has confirmed that he has no disagreement with the board and there is no matter relating to his resignation that needs to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the company and the Stock Exchange.

Trading in the shares of the company on the Stock Exchange has been halted with effect from 2:32 pm today, and an application has been made to the Stock Exchange for a resumption of trading in the shares of the company with effect from next Monday (December 2).
AAStocks Financial News