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<Research>M Stanley Expects HK Mortgage Rate to Fall to 3.25% in 2025, Property Prices to Rebound by 5%
Hong Kong is uniquely positioned to benefit from lower interest rates in the US and higher economic growth in China, Morgan Stanley released a research report saying.

Morgan Stanley expected the 1-month HIBOR to fall to 2.75%, and the effective mortgage rate (P-1.75%) to drop to 3.25% in 2025. Morgan Stanley believed that Hong Kong's residential market will benefit more from the US interest rate cuts than retail and office.

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The broker also forecasted Hong Kong's residential property prices to rebound by 5% in 2025, compared with a drop of 8% this year, or a 30% decline from its high.

Morgan Stanley was optimistic about SHK PPT (00016.HK), LINK REIT (00823.HK) and WHARF REIC (01997.HK) as they have stable earnings prospects and may offer higher dividends in a low interest rate environment. In addition, HENDERSON LAND (00012.HK) and KERRY PPT (00683.HK) should also benefit.

However, Morgan Stanley remained cautious on NEW WORLD DEV (00017.HK), HANG LUNG PPT (00101.HK) and HYSAN DEV (00014.HK), as their fundamentals are still challenging and its analysis shows risk to dividend 2025 even with rate cuts.

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