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Tse Chin-wan: Govt Targets No Coal for Daily Power Generation by 2035; 25,500 Applications for Feed-in Tariff Scheme Approved
Secretary for Environment and Ecology, Mr Tse Chin-wan attended the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Energy Ministerial Meeting. He stated that the HKSAR government has set a target to cease using coal for daily electricity generation before 2035 and increase the share of usage of zero-carbon energy in electricity generation to around 60-70% by 2035.

Tse also pointed out that the HKSAR Government will launch the Pilot Scheme on Building-Integrated Photovoltaics to explore photovoltaic technology applications on the facades of government buildings. In addition to public organisations, the HKSAR Government has also created favourable conditions to encourage the private sector to develop renewable energy. One of the measures is the Feed-in Tariff Scheme launched in 2018. The Scheme has approved 25,500 applications and connected them to the power grids. It is estimated that over 300 million kilowatt hours of electricity can be generated each year through the approved system, which is sufficient to meet the electricity demand of about 122,000 households.

Tse noted that Hong Kong can become a demonstration platform for hydrogen technologies, but still has to face six areas of technical challenges, including safety, suitable technologies, infrastructure, cost-effectiveness, capacity building and public acceptance. The Strategy of Hydrogen Development in Hong Kong sets out four major strategies to address the technical challenges as well as the unique situation of Hong Kong, namely improving legislations, establishing standards, aligning with the market, and advancing with prudence, so as to create an environment conducive to the development of hydrogen energy in Hong Kong in a prudent and orderly manner.

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