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Xie Feng's Interview w/ Newsweek: CN Insists on Sharing Reform and Development Benefits with World
Chinese ambassador to the U.S. Xie Feng was interviewed by Tom O'Connor, senior foreign policy correspondent for Newsweek, to explain the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee.

Xie said that as some countries keep closing doors, building walls and seeking decoupling, openness is in short supply globally. However, he said China insists on opening doors and building bridges, intending to share reform and development benefits with the world.

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Openness is a distinctive hallmark of China's modernization. The Third Plenary introduced many concrete measures, Xie introduced. First is “subtraction”. China will continue to reduce the negative list for foreign investment access, remove all market access restrictions in the manufacturing sector, and fully apply the negative list for cross-border trade in services. Second is “addition”. This includes steadily expanding institutional openness, actively connecting with international high-standard economic and trade rules, and creating a transparent, stable and predictable institutional environment. Third is “equality”. This is to put domestic and foreign-funded enterprises on a level playing field. China welcomes more companies to seize the opportunities of China's development, share the benefits of China's development, and achieve greater development.
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