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CICC Tells Staff to Not Believe or Spread Rumour of Employee in SH Committing Suicide After Wage Cut
It is circulated on Chinese social media that a female employee at the Shanghai branch of China International Capital Corporation (CICC) committed suicide by jumping off a building on Monday (1 July), after her pay was cut amid mounting mortgage loan pressure.

China Newsweek quoted an internal source at CICC's headquarters as responding that the employee had committed suicide by jumping off a building was a mere rumour. The relevant people were still trying to understand the situation in light of the rumours.

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It was reported that an internal statement from CICC said the company was saddened by the recent tragic death of an employee in Shanghai and had set up a special team to properly handle related matters. As for the rumour of the employee jumping to her death off a building, CICC urged all employees to respect the privacy of the deceased and to not believe in rumours, or spread them.

A screenshot of a message circulating on the internet said the female employee, who was 30 and engaged in general securities business, had taken out a mortgage loan last year to buy a property on the Shanghai Bund worth more than RMB10 million. Her husband had also been subjected to a wage cut.

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