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HGC Keeps Investing in Optical Fiber Infra, To Ground Malaysia Project in 2Mths
Andrew Kwok, CEO of HGC Global Communications (HGC), a telecom operator and ICT solution provider, said that the group has been observing and analyzing the Hong Kong market as the city undergoes a period of transformation. He revealed that the group's current overseas investment in optical fiber infrastructure has been ongoing for about 2.5 years, and in the future the group will continue to invest in the segment and bring the most advanced telecom and information and communications technology (ICT) to Hong Kong, consolidating Hong Kong's position as an international telecom hub.

As of June this year, the proportion of HGC's fiber-to-the-home broadband subscribers with bandwidths of 1,000M or above was about 71%, an increase of about 6% compared to the same period last year's 65%. In addition, the number of the group's home customers this year also surpassed 400,000.

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In addition, HGC has invested approximately $1 billion in the Philippines, including the laying of more than 1,500 km of optical fiber infrastructure and the installation of more than 6,000 strategic access points. Kwok disclosed that the investment project in Malaysia will be implemented within the next 2-3 months.
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