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<Research>UOB Kay Hian: Policy Easing May Have Positive Impact on Mkt in ST; Top Picks SHK PPT/ LINK REIT
The new Policy Address continues to introduce easing policies to support the demand of the property market, and optimize the New Capital Investment Entrant Scheme (CIES), allowing investment in residential properties with a transaction price of $50 million or above, UOB Kay Hian released a research report saying.

A maximum of $10 million of investment in residential properties can be accounted into the total investment amount. Taking into account the relatively small number of transactions in the luxurious property market and the 579 applications received under the New CIES in the past six months, it is believed that the impact of the policy adjustments on the Hong Kong property market is limited.

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The Hong Kong government reiterated its land supply plan in 2024 Policy Address, and indicated that it will speed up the construction in the northern metropolitan area, UOB Kay Hian added.

It is expected that a series of policy relaxations may have a positive impact within a short term. However, the most important thing for the market is to restore confidence and further cut interest rates. Therefore, UOB Kay Hian kept rating at Equalweight for the sector.

UOB Kay Hian listed SHK PPT (00016.HK) and LINK REIT (00823.HK) as its top picks, with both rated at Buy, and target prices of $103/ $45.05 each. The broker also rated HYSAN DEV (00014.HK) and WHARF REIC (01997.HK) at Buy, with target prices of $16.1 and $32.8, respectively. UOB Kay Hian also rated NEW WORLD DEV (00017.HK) at Sell, with a target price of $7.02.

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