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HAIER SMARTHOME Once Leaps 3%+ as UBS Likes White Goods
UBS released a research report becoming more bullish on white goods since China announced the “real money” trade-in program on 25 July. The results of the ongoing trade-in subsidy program have been better than UBS' expectations.

UBS saw Haier, HISENSE HA (00921.HK), GREE APPLIANCES(000651.SZ) and ROBAM APPLIANCES(002508.SZ) as the key beneficiaries under the subsidy program.

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HAIER SMARTHOME (06690.HK) showed a rectangular range of up and down in recent months, and once leaped over 3% to a high of $23.6 this morning (11th). The stock closed at $23.45 in the morning session, ascending 2.63%, with 6.4758 million shares traded, involving $150 million.
AAStocks Financial News