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Jack Ma's Internal Message on Alibaba's 25th Anniversary: Faith in Mkt Power, Innovation Value
On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of BABA-W (09988.HK)(BABA.US), Founder Jack Ma said in an internal message that he was proud of the company's privilege to be involved in the promotion of social progress, and proud of the fact that Alibaba have sentiments, righteousness and ideals.

Today, internet AI technology is surging again, whereas many businesses of Alibaba are facing challenges and being exceled, despite within expectation, said Ma. Only by competition can one company become stronger and a industry healthier, not to mention that Alibaba has never been a company growing under protection. Alibaba had faith in the power of the market and the value of innovation, Ma added.

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Ma said Alibaba must always bear in mind not to lose itself in the competition and the pressure of the situation. What makes Alibaba Alibaba is the spirit of idealism, said Ma, believing in the future and the market.
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