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Bullish block trade of CCB(00939) 1.2M shares at $6.37, $7.644M turnover
[Block Trade] A bullish block trade of 1.2M shares of CCB(00939) occurred at price of HK$6.37 and turnover of HK$7.644M at 10:05a.m . The last price is up 0.315%. Today's highest p...
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Bullish block trade of CCB(00939) 1.2M shares at $6.37, $7.644M turnover
[Block Trade] A bullish block trade of 1.2M shares of CCB(00939) occurred at price of HK$6.37 and turnover of HK$7.644M at 10:05a.m . The last price is up 0.315%. Today's highest price is $6.38 and lowest price is $6.33. Total volume is 51.499M shares and total turnover is HK$326.985M.
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Unemployment Rate for Dec in Mexico is 2.40%, lower than the previous value of 2.60%. The forecast was 2.6%.
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CATHAY PAC AIR Reportedly Plans to Order Dozens of New Wide-body Aircraft from Boeing, Airbus