YUE YUEN IND (00551.HK) +0.240 (+1.840%) Short selling $17.77M; Ratio 15.067% management mentioned during the result briefing that the company's 1H GPM was under pressure due to overtime work and outsourcing impacts, according to a report from CLSA. Although visibility remains high, 2H orders are still under observation given tariff concerns and macroeconomic uncertainties in the US, which, in the broker's view, have driven the recent share price correction.CLSA also mentioned that the outlook for YUE YUEN IND's subsidiary, POU SHENG INT'L (03813.HK) +0.040 (+7.018%) , remained stable and in line with expectations. The broker still favored YUE YUEN IND's market share growth theme and its lower costs compared to peers, with some core brand momentum still on track.Related NewsG Sachs Adjusts TPs for YUE YUEN IND/ POU SHENG INT'L to $18.6/ $0.93The broker lowered its sales forecast for YUE YUEN IND for this year by 1%, reflecting a decline in order visibility. Meanwhile, it forecasted the group's sales and net profit to rise by 3% and 5% YoY. Based on the reduction in earnings and P/E ratio multiples, it cut the target price from $22 to $19, with an Outperform rating remaining in place.(HK stocks quote is delayed for at least 15 mins.Short Selling Data as at 2025-03-14 16:25.)