The HSI sagged 468 points or 2.2% to close at 20,538. The HSCEI faded 193 points or 2.6% to close at 7,363. The HSTECH lost 119 points or 2.5% to close at 4,574. Total market turnover for the day rose to $216.818 billion.Market was wary of Donald Trump's tariffs. Exporters SHENZHOU INTL (02313.HK) -1.900 (-3.122%) Short selling $47.46M; Ratio 19.616% and MAN WAH HLDGS (01999.HK) -0.130 (-2.416%) Short selling $5.08M; Ratio 9.721% cascaded 5.6% and 4.2%, while TECHTRONIC IND (00669.HK) -0.800 (-0.741%) Short selling $75.48M; Ratio 26.924% shed 3.3%. Home appliance stocks HAIER SMARTHOME (06690.HK) -0.300 (-1.085%) Short selling $91.24M; Ratio 16.451% and MIDEA GROUP (00300.HK) -0.700 (-0.976%) Short selling $157.91M; Ratio 34.765% slipped over 4%, while HISENSE HA (00921.HK) +0.400 (+1.606%) Short selling $35.34M; Ratio 26.026% dipped 5.1%. PC maker LENOVO GROUP (00992.HK) -0.550 (-5.489%) Short selling $33.50M; Ratio 4.215% cratered 4.6%, while photovoltaic stocks XINTE ENERGY (01799.HK) +0.010 (+0.113%) Short selling $4.05M; Ratio 11.493% , FLAT GLASS (06865.HK) -0.380 (-2.836%) Short selling $4.33M; Ratio 2.218% and XINYI SOLAR (00968.HK) -0.120 (-3.390%) Short selling $46.36M; Ratio 15.202% waned 4.9-5.4%. Handset parts stocks AAC TECH (02018.HK) -1.600 (-4.954%) Short selling $39.32M; Ratio 25.018% and BYD ELECTRONIC (00285.HK) -1.550 (-5.024%) Short selling $56.99M; Ratio 11.792% receded 3.2% and 3.6%, while SUNNY OPTICAL (02382.HK) -2.250 (-3.836%) Short selling $117.12M; Ratio 10.588% cratered 4.5%.The market was also concerned that Trump's policies may spark inflation, making it difficult for the Fed to cut interest rates notably. Property developers NEW WORLD DEV (00017.HK) -0.180 (-2.296%) Short selling $20.86M; Ratio 27.097% and WHARF REIC (01997.HK) -0.250 (-1.116%) Short selling $15.64M; Ratio 23.606% slumped 2.7% and 2.9%. Oil prices were affected by the incline in USD. SINOPEC CORP (00386.HK) -0.070 (-1.624%) Short selling $140.80M; Ratio 16.886% , CNOOC (00883.HK) -0.360 (-2.081%) Short selling $343.42M; Ratio 11.627% and PETROCHINA (00857.HK) -0.130 (-2.297%) Short selling $171.60M; Ratio 20.371% eroded 2.5-3.2%, while gold miners ZIJIN MINING (02899.HK) -0.700 (-4.425%) Short selling $134.18M; Ratio 15.322% , SD GOLD (01787.HK) -0.520 (-3.683%) Short selling $18.82M; Ratio 9.347% and ZHAOJIN MINING (01818.HK) -0.600 (-5.025%) Short selling $49.07M; Ratio 19.457% stumbled 3.3-4.2%.(HK stocks quote is delayed for at least 15 mins.Short Selling Data as at 2024-11-12 16:25.)